The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Ainthorpe Primary School

Ainthorpe Primary School is a happy place for children to learn and make friends.


Finding a school for your child can be a very stressful experience.

It is important that you choose the right school for your child.

All parents have to apply for a primary school place using either the online application form or a paper form which can be obtained from local authority nurseries, private nurseries, children’s centres, Hull libraries or by calling 01482 300 300.

If you live in Hull you must use the Hull City Council online application system, or the paper form.

Click here to download the paper application form

There are 60 places in each year group for pupils joining our academy.

Applications for pupils having statements of special educational needs will be dealt with in accordance with the Code of Practice on Special Educational Needs. Where a school is named in a child’s statement following consultation with the Head and Governors, the governing body are required to admit the pupil.

After the allocation of statemented pupils, where the number of applications is greater than the remaining places the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below:

  1. Children in public care at the time when preferences are expressed and who are still in public care at the time of their admission to school, and those who have been previously looked after, (see note ix below),
  2. Significant medical factors or exceptional family circumstances. (See note (i) below)
  3. Being resident in the catchment area of the school (see note (ii) below.)
  4.  Having a brother or sister who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission (see note (iii) below)
  5.  Geographical, with priority given to those living nearest to the school


If you have not been offered a place for your child at one of your preferred schools you can make a formal appeal. Details can be found on the Hull City Council website.

Please click here to be transferred to the admission appeals page.

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