Mental health and support
At Ainthorpe we promote and support children's mental health and wellbeing.
If you are worried about your child or you need help yourself please come and talk to us alternatively further support can be sought following the links below:
Support for Parents and Carers – Mental health and Wellbeing
People can experience events that will affect their mental health these can include trauma, changes to hormones, menopause amongst many other things.
Sometimes you can feel down but are not sure why here is some information that may help.
Always speak with your doctor as they can offer support and advice.
Home - Let's Talk - Hull Depression & Anxiety Services ( 01482 247111
For information Adult Mental Health – Hull CCG
Mental health and advice support line - 0800 138 0990
As always please speak to us if you need and we will help in any way that we can.
If someone’s life is at risk, you should call 999 or go to A&E.