Remote Learning Year 4
Remote learning can be found via Google Classroom. Miss Redmond and Miss Mawson are splitting the time spent in the classroom (with Ms Spelman) as well as online with support from Mrs Cundill. Online videos, tutor time lessons and assemblies are also scheduled throughout the week to help and support your child as well as celebrate their achievements.
Our teachers and teaching assistants will contact all families on a regular basis to check-in and see how everyone is as well as offering any support to assist with learning during this time. You can still get in touch with teachers between these times via Class Dojo or via the Tutor Time on MS Teams.
You all know your child better than anybody else and the timetable below is suggested. Plan appropriate times when they can sit down and complete their work. The expectation is that each child will participate in a minimum of four hours of remote learning each day (in KS2 classes) but make sure that they take regular breaks throughout the day in order that they maintain focus during learning time.
If children are self-isolating, they still need to complete work daily following the timetable of their class and return work through Google Classroom, so that the teacher can give summary feedback about areas for improvement.
If the year group bubble has to close, children will move to remote learning and continue to follow the timetable.
Year 4 Timetable
9:00 – Reading – Speedy read, Talk for Reading
9:45 – GPS/Handwriting/Spellings
10:00 – Talk for Writing
10:40 – Break
11:00 – Big Maths/fluency
11:20 – Effective Maths
12:00 – Lunch
1:00 – Foundation subjects as per Google Classroom, class novel.
Helpful sites to support learning
Oxford Owl, books to support your child at the right colour band. Please contact your child's teacher for login details.
Top Marks A number of different stories and game to play
Gete Pic: A wide e-library resource (with a 30 day trial).
Top Tips to support children reading at home from the BBC.
Talk for writing videos, Video 1, Video 2, Video 3
Teacher videos - covering punctuation, grammar and writing using different genres
BBC Bitesize - Lessons covering punctuation, grammar, reading, spelling and writing skills
Oak Academy have a range of lessons and activities to further support the provision offered by the school.
NCETM - Teaching for mastery and helping children with open ended questions and activities.
BBC Bitesize - This website has a huge range of games as well as learning that children can play in a very interactive way.
Top Marks - Hit the Button. This site has an interactive, fast-paced game which helps children to practise areas including number bonds, doubles and halves.
Maths Quiz - This is a great website which consolidates learning within school. Questions are like the tasks in school and the layout is the same. Children are given immediate feedback and can-do quizzes from different year groups.
TT Rockstars - Here is the website for TT Rockstars in which the children can practise their TimeTables - Please contact your child's class teacher if you require a reminder of your login details.
Spring 1 - Yellow River Link 1
Spring 1 - Why do people pray?; Link 1 from Oak Academy
BBC Bitesize - looking at a range of topics to help and support your child at this time.
NSPCC Coronavirus Book for Children - a handy, child-friendly story discussing what Coronavirus is and how we can stay safe.
YouTube - This playlist has a range of different songs that we sing in our assemblies on a Friday.
Friday Afternoons - A website which encourages children to sing along on a Friday afternoon. A range of different songs for children to join in with and enjoy.
Sing Up at Home - Another site filled with different music activities that children can join in with.
BBC Ten Pieces - a range of resources updated weekly.
Here are a few example videos of coding sessions that children can complete at home using Scratch
Cosmic Yoga - A link to the Cosmic Yoga YouTube page providing yoga sessions/skills for children.
GoNoodle - A favourite with our children, developing fine and gross motor-skills in a fun way.
Premier League Primary Stars has a range of activities for children to complete to stay active with links to other subjects.
Chance to Shine Cricket has live sessions every Wednesday between 2:00 and 2:45pm
ThisIsPE has a range of short skill sessions from the Yorkshire Sport Foundation.
Below are a range of links to help and support mental health during this time.
Place2Be has a range of free resources available to help promote positive mental health
Anna Freud also has guidance and support for parents and carers.