The school has traditionally had a school uniform and this is supported and welcomed by the vast majority of parents.
Our uniform is detailed below is now ordered directly from Rawcliffes - instore or online.
Visit instore at 17 Savile Street, Hull, HU1 3EF. Tel: 01482 223539) or via www.rawcliffes.co.uk
We encourage all children to wear uniform – it gives them a sense of belonging and helps parents with the task of deciding what children should put on in the morning.
We also have a large bank of second hand school uniforms which can be purchased for a nominal price. Please see Mrs Ellis for details.
The following is a list of the recommended options:
- White School T-shirt/Polo shirt (parents do not have to purchase the school one and can just buy a standard white polo if they wish.)
- School sweatshirt or cardigan
- Black skirt/pinafore dress
- Black trousers
- White blouse
- Navy/White socks/tights
- Sensible, black polishable shoes (not boots)
Please note that jewellery must be kept to a minimum. Only stud earrings are allowed in school.
ainthorpe primary uniform policy.pdf
For P.E/Games, the children are required to wear:
- Black shorts
- White T-shirt and socks
- Plimsolls or trainers for outside
- Black/blue tracksuit for P.E outside (No logos allowed)
It helps young children if they have clothes and shoes that they can easily manage, especially as P.E is a regular activity.
All children should take part in P.E and games activities. However, where there is a special reason why your child cannot take part, please send a note to the class teacher.
No jewellery can be worn during P.E or Games.